Five industry standards for construction material which was drafted by the management of Nanjing High Accurate Drive Equipment Manufacturing Group Co., Ltd (referred as NGC) had been approved by National Industry and Information Department, and would be formerly issued on 1st March 2011.
As the industry top leader, NGC has been participating in the formulation and revision of national and industrial standards. Early in 1993, NGC became the draftsman of YB/T 050-1993 Standard: Reducer for Metallurgy Equipment. This standard played a dominant role in the popularity and development of hardened gear reducer in domestic China.
In 2009, NGC management drafted five construction material industry standards, which are JC/T 878.1-2010 Case-hardened Reducer Used In Cement Industry Part 1: Reducer For Central Drive Mill, JC/T 878.2-2010 Case-hardened Reducer Used In Cement Industry Part 2:Reducer for Side Drive Mill, JC/T 878.3-2010 Case-hardened Reducer Used In Cement Industry Part 3:Reducer For Rotary Kiln, JC/T 878.4-2010 Case-hardened Reducer Used In Cement Industry Part 4:Reducer For Vertical Roller Mill and JC/T 878.5-2010 Case-hardened Reducer Used In Cement Industry Part 5:Reducer For Rolling. In October, 2009, the investigation meeting for these five industry standards was held by Construction Material Industry Standard Committee and was approved by the whole board of review. Meanwhile, it was regarded that the product performance in JC/T 878.1 and JC/T 878.4 had reached the international level.